
Why the world hates America

Spending the first 14 years of my life in Australia, I only ocassionally encounted the anti-American sentiments that span the globe today. But even in Australia, a long-time ally and friend of America, there is quite a bit of hate for America. Some Americans seem to think that people hate America because "America is so much better than their country." But that is the exact reason why America is hated in the first place! Not the only reason, but definetely the beginning of truth. A couple days ago I drew a complete mind blank while thinking of blog topics. I was searching through possible blog and debate topics on a random website, when I came across the question: "should all countries change their official currency to the U.S. dollar?" To many this might not seem like anything noteworthy. But the first thought that struck my mind was "wow, what an arrogant idea." To me, this question reeks of bigotry and the belief that America is the only worthwhile country in the world. That everybody should change their currency to the US dollar to tailor to the needs of America. What makes them think that everybody in the world would want to change their currency to the U.S. dollar? If the world collectively decided to use one currency, wouldn't they just produce an entirely new currently for everybody? I just don't see how this is a legitimate question. This close-mindedness, the belief that America is the be all and end all, is what makes people hate America. Don't get me wrong, I love America just as much as any other American. That's why it kills me everytime I see somebody popping off about how "America is so much better than everyone else." I don't condone or participate in America bashing, but speaking as both an American and an Australian, I can clearly see that it is not unfounded. There's a fine line between patriotism and bigotry, and many Americans need to realize it.


Blogger photoshoplifter said...

AMEN, sister! Ever since the Iraq War began, ethnocentrism has been masked as patriotism. It's shameful.

It's comforting to know that there are other college students out there who don't believe the hype!


10:37 PM


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