
Family First

One thing that I've been thinking about a lot lately has been the changes everyone undergoes in college. I think these kind of changes take place all the way through life, but college is where some of the most profound changes take place. In college, you are immersed in a foreign environment among foreign people and left to your own devices. I for one, have already felt some changes taking place. One change I have felt is an increased feeling of appreciation for my family. I've always been close to my family, but in my high school years I often put my friends ahead of my family. This was most noticeable in my final week at home before college. When I should've been spending as much time as possible with my family before I left, I spent as much time hanging out with my friends as possible. It's amazing how time and space can change things. Now that I'm hundreds of miles away from my family I have a greater sense of how much they mean to me and regret not spending every last moment with them. I'm glad that my priorities have changed, and that I can better appreciate everything my family means to me. The next time I visit I'll be sure to have my priorities right, and put my family first.


Blogger morroco47 said...

I can competly relate to this because although I have always been somewhat close to my family, I feel like the distance has made me realize how close I actually wanted to be. My sister is 4 years younger than me and until a few weeks ago I thought she was pretty annoying. I find myself wondering what she is doing or whether she misses me or if I was a good enough sister. College defintely sparks feelings and ideas that can be experienced no where else.

5:45 PM


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